
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Church Christmas Party

I volunteered to decorate for our church Christmas party this year. I saw a Living Christ handout on Sugardoodle and knew that I wanted to use it somehow to keep it Christ centered. I have seen book page wreaths online and wanted to try my hand at one. Then it occurred to me to put the two together and this is what it looks like.

I got an old book from the Salvation Army store with the color of pages that I liked, tore out a bunch of pages one by one, rolled it to the way I liked it and then hot glued a corner to keep the cone shape. I then glued the cones together (it took 16 to make a wreath) and then glued that to a round piece of cardboard I cut out from a leftover box. After that I printed the handouts onto card stock and glittered the edges. Then glued them on the wreath. I curled it a little to give it more dimension. It took me two days to make all fifteen. I didn't want to take them down so after the party I hung them up on the main floor of the church to enjoy for the rest of the season.

For the center pieces I just gathered some pieces from around my house and some pieces from the Salvation Army. I collect the blue green Ball canning jars and knew I wanted to use them. I found a white mirror for a dollar and love how candles look on mirrors. So here are the center pieces.

This one is my favorite and is the center piece in our dinning room.

The cultural hall is so big because it's a gym. I wanted some of the center pieces to take up some of the height. I just grabbed sticks from my neighbor's yard tied them together with jute and filled my canisters with rice. (The rice will not be wasted. I am using them for rice bags and various other projects.) I then hung some of my ornaments and baby food jar votives, that I made, on the branches. I used the battery operated votive candles for all the center pieces.

For the baby food jar votives, I took contact paper and punched out a bunch of circles and put them tightly onto the jars and then sponged on etching cream (found at Hobby Lobby). I then rinsed them off, crossed my fingers that the cream worked and then tied jute around them to hang. I think they are pretty cute.

The Trendy Treehouse

The DIY Show Off

Beyond The Picket Fence

1 comment:

  1. Nice job decorating for the party, looks good!

    Happy Jesus Birthday!


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