
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My First Mom to Mom Sale

Over a month ago a friend of mine told me about a Mom to Mom sale that was accepting home based businesses as vendors. I thought that it would be a great start to my business and see what people thought of my creations. I got really excited when I talked to my husband  about it. He was very supportive!

The month went by so fast. The first couple of weeks I was unable to sew due to some complications in my pregnancy. However, I was able to get enough items made for the sale. I offered burp rags, nursing covers, car seat covers and crayon rolls. 

My dear friend who told me about the sale also helped me set up and man my station. I had a great time! I sold some items and was able to fill my Esty store. I look forward to many more public sales. They will just have to wait until this baby is born. I have about five weeks left.

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