
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Annual Snowman Party

Yesterday our family had our annual Snowman Party. This is the second year we have held it. I did it low key last year but decided to go bigger this year and who knows what will happen over the years. I just want to have something to look forward to in January and the kids love parties. You can see how I decorated here.

On our menu we had Melted Snowman Soup. Basically it was a potato soup with sliced olives for the eyes and half of a baby carrot for the nose. I got the recipe from here. It made just enough for my family of five. Although two of the members are two and younger and don't like to eat sometimes. Like last night. Oh well. 

For dessert we had Melted Snowman Cookies. I found the idea and tutorial at one of my favorite blogs, Smashed Peas and Carrots. My icing was really runny and really messy. My two youngest were a little afraid the touch them because of that but they got over it and went for the marshmallow heads first.

For our activities we made Snowman Party hats. My two year-old insists that every party needs to have hats. So I came up with this last minute. I just free handed some snowman out on card stock, cut them out, let them color them and then I cut strips to staple around their heads. They loved it!

Yes, this is my son. Yes, he is wearing a necklace and yes he needs a haircut.

Then we made snow globes using baby food jars. I looked all over the Internet for good tutorials and I got some ideas.  A lot of them suggested to use a waterproof epoxy glue. I didn't have that so I hot glued some little erasers that I found at Michael's onto the lids. That didn't work out so well. After I filled the jars with a half teaspoon of corn syrup (to slow down the sparkles) and water and then closed them up, some of the erasers became unglued. Oh well. They still are fun floating around in sparkly water. So don't use hot glue but do use corn syrup. 

They don't picture well.  
So that is that. A wonderful Family Home Evening and a great Snowman Party. I look forward to making Valentine decor and gifts.

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