
Monday, January 17, 2011

Gifts for Teachers

For my daughter's teachers I made frosted jars. For this project I went to Hobby Lobby when their glassware was half off and picked up three jars. Making them a dollar a piece. I then printed out their last name initial in Word. I just picked the font I liked best (I don't remember which one I used now) and made it as big as I thought it would fit on the side of the jar. I then taped that piece of paper onto my brightest window.
 I then taped a piece of contact paper over that and traced the letters.
 I don't have a fancy cutting's me. (it's on my wish list) Using a sharp blade, I cut out the letters.
 I forgot to take pictures of the next few steps. Sorry. After cutting out the letters I had an outline of the letter as well as the letter. You can see in the picture above. I took each piece and put it on each side. I then took my etching cream and globbed it on. After you wait five minutes, you rinse it off and then towel dry. Below is how they turned out.
 I like the side below better.
 I then filled them with Kisses. These women deserve all of the kisses they can get because they work with mine and eight other special needs kids everyday.
 I packaged them in bags I made at a Relief Society Activity. Where we took left over bits of pieces to make gift bags and cards.
 This one I made for my daughter's worker. I am not sure what to call her. She takes my daughter out into the community to learn appropriate behaviors.

1 comment:

  1. Que lindo!!!Amei vou fazer na ala de Indaiatuba SP Brasil.


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